
My first UGG boots

Oto i sa! Moje pierwsze Uggi :) Szukalam i szukalam butow na zime, ale w koncu zdecydowalam sie na zakup cieplusich Ugg. Kilka lat temu mialam juz tego typu buty lecz firmy Emu. Byly one najlepszym zakupem  tamtej zimy (pamietam ze bylo wtedy ponad -20 stopni, brrr), mimo mrozow w nogi bylo cieplo i wygodnie. Jesli planujecie zakup Ugg w UK warto zajrzec do sklepow sprzedajacych rozne marki obuwia, badz outletow, nie tylko oryginalnych sklepow Ugg gdyz mozecie sporo zaoszczedzic. Ja swoje kupilam w outlecie Sole Trader i zaoszczedzilam £60 (porównanie ze sklepem office.co.uk czy oficjalna strona Ugg). Czasem mozecie tez dostac znizke za pomoca vouchera np. te dostepne na http://www.vouchercodes.co.uk. W internecie znalezc mozna mnostwo stron oferujacych Uggi w bardzo okazyjnych cenach, lecz ja osobiscie balabym sie czy aby na pewno produkt bedzie w 100% oryginalny. Jezeli juz jestes szczesliwa posiadaczka Ugg badz Emu wazna jest impregnacja obuwia. Ja zrobilam blad z Emu gdyz zapomnialam ich na poczatku zaimpregnowac. Zlapaly troche soli z ulicy i pozniej bylo to bardzo ciezko doczyscic, a stan juz nie byl taki jak na poczatku. Wodoodporne spraye do zamszu sa niezbedne. Warto podkreslic ze sa to idealne buty na mroz, lecz nie spisza sie juz tak dobrze w deszczowa pogode czy topniejace sniegi- beda przemakac. Poza standardowymi modelami mozna jednak dostac te wododporne- tak jak ten
Zdjecia zrobilam po tygodniu noszenia butow wiec widac lekkie slady noszenia. Zobaczymy jak buty spisza sie przez zime wtedy postaram sie zrobic na blogu porownanie z Emu. 
Post z Emu mozecie znalezc tutaj :) 

Here they are! My first Ugg boots :) I was looking to buy winter shoes for quite a long time and finally decided to buy (spend a fortune!) Uggs. Few years ago I already had these kind of boots- Emu. They were the best buy of that Winter (the temperature was reaching to more than -20degrees ). Cosy and warm choice. If you're planning to buy Ugg boots I would recommend you to have a look in outlet stores, I got mine in Sole Trader Outlet in Cheshire Oaks near Chester and saved £60 in comparison  to the price in Office. Good buy! It also might be worth to have a look for current vouchers on websites such as: http://www.vouchercodes.co.uk.Can help you save a little bit ;) You can find lots of online stores offering Uggs in reduced prices but I personally would be a bit scared to order from there as who knows if the product is genuine? If you're already a happy owner of Uggs or Emu remember to impregnate your boots with a waterproof spray, it will give them better protection and will definitely make them look well for a longer period of time. I forgot to impregnate my Emu boots on the beginning and then I wasn't able to get rid of some salt stains which spoiled my shoes... Ugg or Emu boots are surely a perfect choice for Winter and frosty weather but keep it in mind that they will not be too good for rain as they might soak... Although there are some models which are waterproof like this one. We will see how my Uggs will get through the upcoming Winter, then I will be able to make a small comparison of Emu and Ugg for you guys.
You can see the post with my Emu boots here :)